No visuals, only sound. Malayalam film ‘Blindfold’ makes history as India’s first audio cinema

No visuals, only sound. Malayalam film 'Blindfold' makes history as India's first audio cinema

Kochi: ‘Blindfold,’ the groundbreaking Malayalam movie that takes viewers on a journey through the perspective of a blind person, makes history as India’s first-ever audio cinema. This revolutionary cinema, directed by filmmaker & creative designer Binoy Karamen and produced by luxury apparel brand Klum and Intellectual Monkey Productions has not only created a new genre in Indian cinema but also set a benchmark in the world of filmmaking.

By using sound as the primary storytelling tool, ‘Blindfold’ has created a deeply immersive cinematic experience that pushes the boundaries of traditional filmmaking. The movie follows the events in the life of a blind man, who becomes a witness in a murder case. This exciting story of a murder investigation is narrated with no visuals and puts the audience in the shoes of a blind man, with only sounds to guide them.

“The medium of cinema is visual. Blindfold does not have visuals. Despite that, it does not limit the cinematic experience a normal cinema can offer. In theatres, one can truly experience this. This project has been the result of my thinking and research for the past 11 years. It has always fascinated me how different elements of a movie affect the viewer’s senses. The beauty of a world that is blinded by light is what I wish to portray in my work. My aim with the movie is to inspire the audience’s imagination with sound design, music, and dialogue and help them navigate the world with sounds. I hope Blindfold will push you to improve your focus on your surroundings and understand the importance of inner voices more than our sights”, said Binoy Karamen, the director and writer of ‘Blindfold, who has had a keen interest in experimental ideas and concepts for a long.

With most movies in the industry focusing on the visual brilliance of filmmaking, ‘Blindfold’ reminds us that the soundscape plays just as much an essential role in the art of storytelling. The story is narrated from the perspective of Rajan, a blind lottery seller in the city of Calicut, who happens to witness, or more aptly, ‘hear’ a murder take place. In the events that follow, Rajan assists the police in solving the case, based on everything he has heard, in this thrilling experience like none other.

“It was indeed a very new concept and I was really impressed with Karamen’s perspective of movies. With a vision to give the viewers a fresh and exciting audio experience at the cinema, Blindfold will be the first step in trying out more experimental techniques and tools in the art of Cinemamaking, said Shyjal Shameem Ahmed, executive producer of Blindfold.

The movie has used superior audio technology to capture and recreate a panoramic sound experience for the audience. The team behind the movie includes experienced sound designers and music producers who have done a splendid job with their work. Binaural technology has helped in designing the soundscape in such a way, that along with frequency cues, the direction and origin of the sound are also determined. The movie will be presented in Dolby Atmos, giving audiences the best surround sound experience, and putting them in the middle of the action.

“Blindfold is unfolding a new era of audio stories with more technical assistance. The experience of audio designs makes the sound move all around you with thrilling realism. I am really excited to be a part of the movie and Karamen’s bold way of making the movie,” said Ajil Kurian, Sync Sound & Sound design.

The film’s sound design was by Ajil Kurian and Krishnan Unni with music and background score composed by Steev Benjamin , and script by Surya Gaythri.

“Blindfold” is a powerful testament to the creativity and innovation of the Indian film industry. This landmark achievement is a source of pride not just for Malayalam cinema but for Indian cinema as a whole.

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PSG-W vs WOL-W Live Score Dream11 Team Prediction Today’s Match Paris Saint-Germain Women vs Wolfsburg Women

PSG-W vs WOL-W Live Score

Here we are going to share the amazing news with you that a very well-known and wonderful league Women’s Champions League is coming back with its two strong teams. This match will be played between Paris Saint-Germain Women vs Wolfsburg Women. Both teams have a huge fan following and they are ready to give their best for winning the match. Now all the fans are very excited to see the match as they know that it will be more interesting when the two teams face each other. Here we have more information about the PSG-W vs WOL-W match and we will share it with you in this article.

PSG-W vs WOL-W Live Score

As we already mentioned the Women’s Champions League is all set to entertain its fans with two powerful teams. Both teams have amazing gameplay and they are ready to defeat each other in the match. Now fans have been waiting for the match as they are ready to support their favourite teams. The Womens Champions League match between PSG-W vs Wolfsburg Women will be played at  Parc des Princes. If we talk about the weather then the weather will be clean and there are no chances of rain. Now all the fans are very curious to know about match details like team, time, date, venue, lineup and other details. Scroll down to the next page for more information about the news.

Match Details

Team: Paris Saint-Germain Women (PSG-W) vs Wolfsburg Women (WOL-W)
Date: 23rd March 2023
Day: Thursday
Time: 01:30 AM (IST) – 08:00 PM (GMT)
Venue: Parc des Princes
League: Women’s Champions League

Paris Saint-Germain Women (PSG-W) Possible Playing 11: 1. Sarah Bouhaddi, 2. Sakina Karchaoui, 3. Amanda Ilestedt, 4. Elisa De Almeida, 5. Li Mengwen, 6. Sandy Baltimore, 7. Grace Geyoro, 8. Laurina Fazer, 9. Oriane Jean-Francois, 10. Kadidiatou Diani, 11. Lieke Martens

Wolfsburg Women (WOL-W) Possible Playing 11: 1.Katarzyna Kiedrzynek, 2. Kathrin Hendrich, 3. Felicitas Rauch, 4. Dominique Bloodworth, 5. Lynn Wilms, 6. Svenja Huth, 7. Jill Roord, 8. Lena Lattwein, 9. Sveindis Jonsdottir, 10. Ewa Pajor, 11. Tabea Wabmuth

Match Prediction

According to the lineup of the match, both teams have amazing and hardworking players and they are also ready to defeat each other in the match. This match is going to be played between Paris Saint-Germain Women and Wolfsburg Women on 23rd March 2023 from 01:30 AM (IST) – 08:00 PM (GMT) at Parc des Princes. PSG-W team won 4 matches, lost 0 matches and draw 1 match and WOL -W team won 3 matches and lost 0 matches draw 2 matches. PSG-W team has more chances to win the match against WOL-W. Stay tuned to Dekh News for more updates.

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Realme 9i crolla su Amazon: il TOP dei budget phone al 39% in meno

Realme 9i crolla su Amazon: il TOP dei budget phone al 39% in meno

Impossibile ma vero: lo smartphone Android economico per eccellenza Realme 9i è in super offerta su Amazon a un prezzo che non ha eguali sul web. Infatti, con uno sconto del 39% che fa crollare il prezzo di vendita ad appena 153€, quest’oggi hai la possibilità di risparmiare un sacco di soldi senza per questo stringere tra le mani un device di “seconda fascia”.

Nonostante il prezzo molto conveniente il device del colosso cinese ha tutto ciò che cerchi in un device moderno: è perfetto per telefonare, per ascoltare la musica, guardare video, chattare con gli amici, scattare foto ad altissima risoluzione e molto altro ancora.

C’è il 39% di sconto su Amazon per il budget phone Realme 9i: affare d’oro

realme 9i amazon

A 153€ ti porti a casa un device realizzato con materiali di buona fattura e con un bel display da 6.6 super smooth a 90 Hz, un processore octa core con ben 6 GB di RAM per aprire in un attimo le app di cui hai bisogno e una batteria da 5000 mAh con tantissime ore di autonomia.

A tutto ciò, inoltre, si aggiunge poi un comparto multimediale invidiabile in questa fascia di prezzo: un sistema audio Dolby Atmos per un sound potente e avvolgente, mentre sul retro un modulo triplo con un sensore principale da 50 MP con IA (Intelligenza Artificiale) per scattare foto mozzafiato e registrare video ad altissima risoluzione.

Insomma, sborsando una cifra molto conveniente non hai nulla di cui preoccuparti: acquista subito lo smartphone di Realme per riceverlo direttamente a casa già nella giornata di domani e senza costi extra di spedizione (solo per i clienti Amazon Prime).

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Oppo Find X5 al minimo storico: sconto SCONVOLGENTE grazie al Warehouse

Occasione d’oro in questo preciso momento per tutti coloro che vogliono accaparrarsi un top di gamma di ultima generazione, risparmiando qualcosina. Perché se è vero che la qualità si paga, e anche vero che se in certi casi si può pure risparmiare qualche euro, è ancora meglio. Stiamo parlando di Oppo Find X5 che oggi trovi a soli 599€ su Amazon nella colorazione White, con le spedizioni rapide, sicure e gratuite di Prime. Un’occasione da non lasciarsi scappare, che arriva direttamente dal Warehouse, ovverosia dalle pagine dell’usato garantito di Amazon.

Oppo Find X5 White, il top di gamma in sconto

La finitura in ceramica rende OPPO Find X5 Pro uno smartphone dal design innovativo e premium. La levigatura del telaio avviene in 14 step per una durata complessiva di 269 minuti, esaltandone al massimo la lucentezza. La curvatura di 75° della scocca offre l’inclinazione ottimale per illuminare al meglio il telefono. A rendere ancora più all’avanguardia il corpo in ceramica di OPPO Find X5 Pro è la sua resistenza all’acqua e alla polvere.

Il cuore pulsante di questo smartphone è il processore di punta Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 1, grazie al quale ogni applicazione si carica in un istante. Guarda un film o gioca online alla velocità della luce del 5G. Altrettanto importante è però  il comparo fotografico, dove OPPO e Hasselblad si sono uniti per sviluppare la fotocamera Hasselblad per cellulari. Oltre alla Natural Colour Calibration, puoi usare l’iconico il suono dell’otturatore e la modalità XPan in Find X5 Pro e registrare i soggetti di notte in tutta la loro bellezza naturale con un’elaborazione dell’immagine chiara e realistica – e senza sovraesporre l’intera scena.

Per non parlare della tecnologia di livello SLR, lo stabilizzatore ottico a 5 assi con spostamento del sensore su 3 assi e l’OIS dell’obiettivo su 2 assi offre fino a 3° di anti-shake, permettendoti di realizzare scatti perfetti anche in movimento. Dulcis in fundo la batteria da 5000 mAh che garantisce prestazioni di punta con un massimo di 1.600 cicli di ricarica, il doppio rispetto alla maggior parte dei telefoni. Insomma, che altro aggiungere per convincerti che questo top di gamma, a questo prezzo di oggi su Amazon Warehouse, è davvero un ottimo affare? 


Questo articolo contiene link di affiliazione: acquisti o ordini effettuati tramite tali link permetteranno al nostro sito di ricevere una commissione. Le offerte potrebbero subire variazioni di prezzo dopo la pubblicazione.

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Sleeping on the Floor – What Are the Pros And Cons?

Sleeping on the Floor

A good night’s sleep is essential for overall health and well-being. However, many people struggle with getting a restful night’s sleep. For some, the problem may be as simple as the surface they’re sleeping on. While traditional beds are popular, some people prefer sleeping on the floor. But is it safe? In this article, Sound Health and Lasting Wealth will explore the benefits and drawbacks of sleeping on the floor.

Sleeping on the Floor

The Pros of Sleeping on the Floor

1. Better Alignment

One of the main benefits of sleeping on the floor is improved spinal alignment. Traditional mattresses can often create pressure points, which can cause discomfort and pain. Sleeping on a firm surface like the floor can help to distribute weight more evenly and provide better spinal support.

2. Increased Blood Circulation

Sleeping on the floor can also improve blood circulation. Traditional mattresses can often restrict blood flow, particularly if they’re too soft. Sleeping on a firm surface can help to promote better circulation, which can have a positive impact on overall health.

3. Improved Posture

Sleeping on the floor can also help to improve posture. A firm surface can help to keep the body in a natural alignment, which can help to reduce the risk of developing back pain.

4. Cost-Effective

Another benefit of sleeping on the floor is that it’s cost-effective. Traditional mattresses can be expensive, and may need to be replaced every few years. Sleeping on the floor eliminates the need for a mattress, which can save you money in the long run.

Sleeping on the Floor

The Cons of Sleeping on the Floor

Sleeping on the floor can have some potential drawbacks or cons that you may want to consider before making it a regular habit. Here are a few to keep in mind:

1. Lack of Cushioning

While sleeping on the floor can provide better spinal support, it may also lack cushioning. This can be uncomfortable for some people, particularly those with joint pain or other health issues.

2. Temperature Regulation

Sleeping on the floor can also make it difficult to regulate body temperature. Traditional mattresses often provide insulation, which can help to keep you warm in colder months. Sleeping on a hard surface can make it difficult to stay warm, which can be uncomfortable.

3. Lack of Comfort

Sleeping on the floor may not be as comfortable as sleeping on a mattress. A mattress is designed to provide support and cushioning to your body, which can make it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. Sleeping on a hard surface can be uncomfortable and may cause pain or discomfort in certain areas of your body.

4. Cold

Sleeping on a hard surface can be especially uncomfortable during the colder months. A mattress provides insulation, which can help keep you warm at night. Sleeping on the floor can expose you to drafts or cold air, which can make it difficult to get a good night’s sleep.

5. Allergies

Sleeping on the floor can expose you to dust, dirt, and other allergens that may be present on the floor. This can exacerbate allergies or asthma, and make it difficult to breathe during the night.

6. Hygiene

Sleeping on the floor can be unhygienic, especially if the floor is dirty or has not been cleaned regularly. This can increase the risk of skin infections or other health problems.

7. Lack of Support

Sleeping on the floor may not provide adequate support to your body, which can cause back pain or other health problems over time. A mattress is designed to distribute your body weight evenly, which can help prevent pressure points and other issues.

Overall, while sleeping on the floor may have some benefits, it may not be the best option for everyone. It’s important to consider the potential drawbacks and make an informed decision based on your individual needs and preferences.

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Kunguru Death Reason? Legendary Kenyan Rapper Kunguru Passed Away at 44

Kunguru Death Reason?

The Kenyan music industry is mourning the passing of their popular veteran musician and rapper, Eric Onguru who is also popular as Kunguru in the industry. Yes, the popular rapper has gone from this world leaving his family and friends devastated. It is hard to learn that the talented personality sadly passed away. Unfortunately, Kunguru took his last breath on Sunday, March 19, 2023, at a Nairobi Hospital where he had been receiving treatment for weeks. At the end, he couldn’t survive and took his last breath at the hospital. Let’s find out what was the reason behind his sudden passing and how did he die.

Kunguru Death Reason?

Since the news of the rapper was confirmed on the Internet, many fans are taking their social media handles to pay him tributes and giving their deep sorrow to the family members who are going through a difficult time and bearing the loss of their beloved ones. A Facebook user, Eddie Odongo wrote,” Rest in peace okoth, I’m so confused Eric Kunguru aka kunguru and Mr Lenny, I remember our days at loita house, Tanzania, stanch-cart Kericho etc not tt to mention our days in barding secondary school,cc Peter obola, Walter”.

Kenyan Kunguru Death Reason?

According to the sources, the musician who had been ruling the airwaves in the 2000s had been suffering complications from a spinal cord injury he sustained in an accident that occurred in 2009. Due to the incident, the complications started to become a burden to him in 2017, and he spent his time in the hospital always. Before his death, the later Mr Onguru often shared his thoughts on social media and in one instance, intimated about how a person could live longer.

Kunguru said,” One of the best ways to unclog your will and live longer while staying younger is through laughter. If you didn’t know now you know”. Kunguru was a talented singer and rapper in the industry who was best known for his club-banging tunes like “I Will Never Let You Go” and “Baby Don’t Go”, featuring Mr. Lenny. The style of his music and lyrics gained the attention of the audience across the country as well as outside.

He passion for music began at a good age and he started rapping before making his debut in mainstream showbiz in 2006 with an African woman. Unfortunately, the talented rapper has gone from this world. Neither his family nor any statements revealed the funeral arrangements. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

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Thousands Of Farmers To Hold Rally In Delhi Today. Roads To Avoid

Thousands Of Farmers To Hold Rally In Delhi

There is a piece of news coming forward related to the Farmer’s rally and this rally holds thousands of farmers. There are also various videos coming on the internet and also running on many pages of social media. It is coming forward that this rally begins on the intervening night of 19-20 March 2023 at Ramlila Ground. There are many users of social media and netizens are raising various questions related to this rally incident and asking many questions related to this rally incident, so here we will share the complete information related to this incident and also talk about this rally in this article, so read completely.

Thousands Of Farmers To Hold Rally In Delhi

As per the exclusive news and the reports of Delhi traffic police that there are some diversions points like Maharaja Ranjeet Singh Marg, Mirdard Chowk, Delhi Gate, JLN Marg, Minto Road R/L, R/A Kamala Mkt. to Hamdard Chowk, Ajmari Gate, Bhavbhuti Marg, Chaman Lal Marg, Paharganj Chowk. Sanyukti Kisaan Morcha is going to organize a Kisaan Rally on 20 March 2023 at Ramleela Ground, New Delhi. It is also coming out that there are around 20k to 25k participants in this rally who attend this rally. This rally begins from Ramlila Ground on the intervening night of 19-20, March 2023.

As per the advisory of the Delhi traffic police, The restrictions /diversion /regulation of traffic may be imposed on 20 March at 09:00 am on these road stretches and surrounding roads/stretches are Ranjeet Singh flyover from Barakhambha Road to Guru Nanak Chowk, From Minto Road R/L to R/A Kamla Mkt., Vivekanand Marg, JLN Marg (Delhi gate to Guru Nanak Chowk), R/a Kamla Market to Guru Nanak Chowk, Chaman Lal Marg., Ajmeri Gate towards Asaf Ali Road, Pahargaj Chowk and R/A Jandewalan, Desh Bandhu Gupta Road to Ajmeri Gate. Police protection for the general public will also be provided and there is any chances of no harm to any person or property.

There are many people who are sharing their responses against this rally and it is coming forward that many ministers also join this rally. There are many rules and some instructions given to the general public such as people being advised to avoid the above mention roads and many more shared by the Delhi Traffic police. There are many rallies that are seen to advertise and gain attention and popularity from the government and the general public. Stay tuned to the socialtelecast.com website to get more exciting and the latest news of the daily world.

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How To Find New Insurance If Your Medicaid Coverage Ends?

Medicaid Coverage

(CTN NEWS) – Millions of Americans will lose Medicaid coverage in the coming months, forcing many into unfamiliar territory: the health insurance marketplace.

States will begin removing people from government-funded plans when they no longer qualify based on income, resuming a process that was halted shortly after the COVID-19 pandemic hit.

These cuts will be made at various times. However, all states have insurance markets where people who lose Medicaid coverage can purchase new coverage with the help of subsidies.

Some states will even connect customers to a possible new plan.

It can be difficult to find affordable insurance that covers regular doctors and prescriptions, especially in marketplaces that offer dozens of options and subsidies to help pay for them.

According to experts, beginning this search with a plan is beneficial. Here’s a closer look at the procedure.


Medicaid, which is funded by the government and focuses on low-income people, covers nearly 85 million people.

The federal government prohibited states from kicking people off Medicaid if they were no longer eligible at the start of the pandemic.

This ban will be lifted this spring, and many Medicaid recipients will be exposed to the so-called redetermination process for the first time.

States have already begun to verify eligibility. Some states, including Arizona, Arkansas, and Idaho, are expected to begin terminating coverage for ineligible people in April. The majority of states will do so in May, June, and July.

According to federal officials, more than 8 million people will lose Medicaid eligibility due to changes in their income.

How to shop for new insurance if you lose Medicaid coverage


The Affordable Care Act’s state-based health insurance marketplaces are the only places where people can buy individual insurance with the help of an income-based subsidy.

They are accessible via the federal government’s healthcare.gov website.

Outside of these marketplaces, shoppers can find coverage, but it may be risky. Short-term plans, for example, may exclude coverage for certain things, such as a pre-existing medical condition.


The cost of any new plan should be one of the first considerations. Shoppers can receive income-based subsidies to help pay the monthly premiums for plans purchased through state-based marketplaces.

During the pandemic, these subsidies were increased.

People frequently are unaware that they can get this assistance, according to Jeremy Smith, director of West Virginia’s health insurance navigator programme, which assists shoppers in finding coverage.

“A large percentage of people can qualify for a plan that starts at $0 per month,” he said.

This new-age health insurance plan is just what you need for you and your family | Mint


In several ways, individual insurance differs from Medicaid. Some marketplace plans have a high deductible that people must pay before receiving most coverage.

Before committing to a plan, shoppers should understand their deductibles and other payments, according to Smith.

Individual insurance companies also form networks of hospitals and doctors. Insurance may cover much less of the bill for care received outside of those networks.

Before enrolling in a new plan, shoppers should learn how any regular doctors and medications are covered.

Individual insurance can also provide people with more healthcare options. Many doctors refuse to accept Medicaid, and states may only pay for a limited number of prescriptions.

“People may have better access to certain services in the marketplace,” said Jennifer Tolbert, a Medicaid expert at the non-profit Kaiser Family Foundation.


Check that your state programme has your current contact information, including a mailing address, email address, and cellphone number.

They will notify you if they require additional information or if you no longer qualify for Medicaid.

“Everybody should do that before April,” said Joshua Brooker, an independent broker in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. “It will make the transition easier.”

Begin looking for new insurance before Medicaid expires. Shoppers should give themselves plenty of time to sort through their options.

The goal should be to have new insurance starting the day Medicaid expires. This would reduce the number of temporary coverage gaps for regular doctors or critical medications.

Customers have 60 days to find a plan after registering to shop in the insurance marketplace.

Do I qualify for Medicaid? | Aetna Medicaid


Seeking help may be a good idea, especially if you need help calculating your income for the coming year. This is required to calculate subsidies.

People can seek assistance in a variety of ways.

The names and contact information of those who no longer qualify for Medicaid will be transferred to state marketplaces.

According to Kate McEvoy, executive director of the nonprofit National Association of Medicaid Directors, they will also send a letter to Medicaid beneficiaries explaining how to connect to the marketplace.

Some states will go above and beyond. Covered California, California’s health-care marketplace, will enrol people in qualified health plans and send them the necessary information.

Those individuals must confirm enrollment and pay the first premium to remain covered.

Navigators like Smith are available in state marketplaces to help people sort through options and understand potential plans. The government-funded navigators are free to use, but they cannot make specific recommendations.

Counselors at federally qualified health centres can also assist people in applying.

Independent brokers can also assist people in sorting through their options. They will be paid a fee, which is usually deducted from the premium you end up paying.


When You Take Omega-3s Every Day, What Happens To Your Body?

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